To get your head down - Angielskie wyrażenie

„Get your head down”

To wyrażenie może mieć kilka znaczeń, w zależności od kontekstu.  
Najprościej to ,,spuść głowę”.
Może też oznaczać: Spać.  Na przykład:
- I'm tired, I'm going to get my head down for a while.
Może też oznaczać: Pracować pilnie.  Na przykład:
-  I am going to get my head down to some studying.
Depending on context, this phrase can mean a few things.  
Most straightforwardly, it can be an instruction to lower your head.  Perhaps to avoid being seen, shot at or to avoid your head coming into contact with a low object.  
It can mean to get some sleep.  For example:
It's been a long day, I'm going to get my head down and get some sleep.
It can mean concentrating on work or to work diligently.  For example:
After lunch today I am going to get my head down to a bit of study.  Stop messing about and get your head down.
The image created of lowering your head to concentrate on the task at hand, brings us to another English idiom for working diligently at something:
Nose to the grindstone!  The grindstone being an item used to sharpen tools or used for polishing.
We need to get this done by five o'clock, come on, nose to the grindstone!


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