Wrócić - to go back / come back / return / vomit

Fortunately, for wrócić to mean vomit it must be in context.  So you shouldn't need to be too careful when using this verb.  I will focus on the normal uses first then, perhaps, bring it up later on.
If you are forgetful you may need to go back for something.  Here we would use wróćić.

Wrócić, perfective form

Past tense

personmasculineneuterfemininein English
jawróciłemwróciłamI came / returned
tywróciłeśwróciłaśyou came / returned
onwrócił-he came / returned
ona-wróciłashe came / returned
ono-jechałoit came / returned
mywróciliśmywróciłyśmywe came / returned
wywróciliściewróciłyścieyou (pl) came / returned
oniwrócili-they came / returned
one-wróciłythey came / returned

Musiałem wrócić po nią do domu - I had to return home for it

Wracać, imperfective form

present tense

personconjugationin English
jawracamI am returning
tywracaszyou are returning
ona/onwracas/he is returning
mywracamywe are returning
wywracacieyou (pl) are returning
oni/onewracająthey are returning


Zwrócić - to vomit (needs an object) so, I guess it's like to bring up or to fetch up.
Zwróciłem obiad.


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