Maszynka / maszynka do... Shaver / gizmo for...

Maszynka, feminine noun.

Maszynki, plural

Diminutive of maszyna (machine)

Couldn't find the declension of this word in Wiktionary, so thought I'd have a go at the declension myself.

So... declension depends on the last stem consonant, here: k.

which in the back of my dictionary, puts it in declension group 3 for feminine nouns.

Case            Singular            Plural

Nom            maszynka         maszynki

Gen             maszynki           maszynk     [I have just been corrected.  The gen. plural should be maszynek*]

Dat              maszynce          maszynkom

Acc            maszynkę           maszynki

Instr            maszynką          maszynkami

Loc            maszynce           maszynkach

I want to check if I've got this right, so I'd best try to use each one in context an see what they look like.

Genitive: Potrzebuję maszynki - I need a razor.

Dative: Nie mam brody dzięki mojej maszynce - I don't have a beard thanks to my razor.

Accusative: Kupuję nową maszynkę - I'm buying a new razor.

Instrumental: Jest maszynką - it's a razor.

Locative: Plastry są przy maszynce - the plasters are by the razor.

*but why?  Did I get it wrong because I chose the wrong declension group or missed a rule?  I was working on the basis that the declension was like that of zatoka.  The genitive plural of which, I beleive, is zatok.  Someone also pointed out that I've omitted the vocative case, but when would I talk or write to my razor?  Hmm.  I still have much to learn...


  1. you should choose declension of świnka , it would be świnek , so maszynek, ending -nk sounds not natural , and happens only in foreign words like bank, szwank .


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