Instrumental case - narzędnik

The instrumental case is used after conjugations of być.  Like:
Jestem Anglikiem - I'm an Englishman
Jest kotem - it's a cat
Jesteś Polakiem? - You're a Polack?
and just as I began to think all instrumental endings were -em:
Jestem farmaceutą / farmaceutką - I'm a pharmacist (male/female)

After the following prepositions:
nad - above
pod - below
przed - in front of
za - behind
między ... a ... - in between ... and ...
z - with
NB: if nad, pod or przed are used with a verb of motion, then the accusative case is used instead.

The instrumental case is used when stating mode of transport.  Like:
Jeżdżę do pracy samochodem.  I go to work by car.
NB: samochód (car) is the mode of transport, so is in the instrumental case, samochodem
praca (work) follows the preposition, do, in expressing motion, so is in the accusative case, pracy.

The instrumental case, as I guess the name suggests, is used in expressing what tool, or instrument, you are using to perform an action.  Like:
Nie robię pierogów z foremką / maszynką do pierogów - I don't make pierogi with a mold / pirogi press.
NB: pirogi is used in the genitive case, pirogów, as the direct object of a negative verb and following do (used to describe what the maszynka (gizmo) is for


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