Facet - guy / bloke / chap

One of the more tricksy facets of language learning is when you come across a false friend, a word that looks similar or identical to a word in your native language, but is not related to it at all.  Facet is such a word.  In English, facet means an aspect of something and is related to the word face.  The English word facetious is related to the Polish word facet.  They both come from the Latin facētus to mean courtly, elegant, witty or amusing.  Over time, in Polish, facet moved from being an elegant, courtly man to being a less noble and more colloquial term for a man.  Just some guy.  Tylko jakiś facet.

- Kto to jest?    Who's that?

- Nie wiem.  Jakiś facet.        Dunno.  Some guy.


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