Crossword Knowledge 6 - peninsula and archipelago

Following on from yesterday's stony theme. Today's broadens from stone to geographical features. 

Clue: Przylądek w pd. Chile

Firstly, pd. is an abbreviation of południe (south).  Przylądek is a cape as in a large / high headland that juts out into a body of water.  An example of this, found in south Chile, is Cape Horn.

Answer: Horn.

In working this one out, I learned that another word for a headland in Polish is cypel, which is a very narrow headland, like Hel on the Baltic coast of Poland.

And for a peninsula, the polish word would be półwysep. As far as I can see in both English and Polish, peninsula / półwysep is a broad term for a landform projecting into a body of water that covers cypel and przylądek

Elsewhere in the crossword book, there was a clue involving archipelago.  The Polish word, archipelag, being very similar.  I was aware that it described a collection of numerous small islands, but not much more than that. The word seems to come from the ancient Greek name for the Aegean Sea, Arkhipelagos.  Arkhi* meaning main / cheif and pelagos meaning sea. The numerous islands in the Aegean sea lead to the word archipelago being used to describe other collections of islands. Usually close together with a shared geology.  Like the Balearic islands off Spain, of which Majorca is the largest.

Clue: Archipelag z Majorka

Answer: Baleary

*The prefix arch- also means main or chief in words like archbishop, archdeacon and archangel.  The Polish equivalents are very similar: arcybiskup, archidiakon and archanioł.


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