Crossword Knowledge 3

 More words and facts I have learned from crosswords (krzyżówki)


Clue: Leśna droga
. - Forrest track / road.

Answer: Dukt.

Dukt, masculine noun.  A forest track created by cutting out a strip of trees.  Easy enough to remember by its resemblance to the English word duct.  Both English and Polish words habe the same origin, the Latin ductus, meaning leading / conducting.

Lipton tea

Clue: Alkaloid w Liptonie.
 - Alkaloid in Lipton. 

Caffeine (kofeina in Polish) is an alkaloid found in tea, including Lipton teas. Before it was known to be identical to caffeine, when found in tea, it was given the name theina, a word the vast majority of English have forgotten. It was certainly new to me when a Polish friend spoke of it. In Polish it is teina. 

Answer: Teina. 

Mountain pasture

Clue: Na niej pasą się owce.
- Sheep graze on it. 

Answer: Hala.

Hala is a mountain pasture. Grazing pasture above the tree line. In other contexts, hala also means hall. 


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