Crossword Knowledge 1

Polish words and more I have discovered through crosswords. 


In a bid to expand my vocabulary and Polish general
knowledge, I have started to, mainly by cheating with Google, complete crosswords (krzyżówki).

Clue: Tam bój kościuszkowców - location of the Kościuszko battle.
Answer: Lenino.  
Lenino is a large village in Belarus and site of the 1943 Battle of Lenino, where the Polish 1st Tadeusz-Kościuszko Infantry Division fought along side the 33rd Soviet army against the Germans.

Clue: "Pieprz i ...", z Tonym Halikiem - " Pepper and ..." with Tony Halik.  
Answer: Wanilia 
Tony Halik was a writer, explorer and documentary film maker.  He co-presented a long running programme with Elżbieta Dzikowska called Pieprz i Wanilia.  There were 300 episodes and they were broadcast over twenty years. The programmes were a way of seeing the world when foreign travel - and certainly travel outside the soviet bloc - was closely controlled by the communist administration of PRL (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa) the Polish People's Republic between 1949 and 1980 with its restrictive passport policy.

Clue: Przestarzale: trunek - Which I think means an antiquated term for liquor.  Przestarzale meaning obsolete and trunek meaning booze.
Answer: Napitek.
Defined as: potocznie: napój, zwykle alkoholowy - colloquially: beverage, usually alcoholic.
I'm guessing, as it is obsolete, this one goes down as crossword knowledge and not a word you'd be using day-to-day.  


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