Crossword Knowledge 10 - Knives

After a clue asking about a large kitchen knife...
Clue: Duży nóż kuchenny got me thinking that I only know the one Polish word for knife, nóż, and considering I'm keen in the kitchen and talk a lot about food and cooking, I thought I'd best find the names of a few knives.

Nóż do warzyw - veg knife

Nóż  do obierania - translates as peeling knife, but I think it's what we would call a paring knife. 

Nóż do chleba - bread knife

Nóż do fioletowania - filleting knife

Nóż szefa kuchni - chef's knife

Tasak - cleaver (not in photo - currently, I do not have a cleaver)

Answer: Tasak


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