Glad / sorry to hear it


In English we respond to someone telling us about how well or badly they are doing with little phrases like:

I'm glad


Oh, I am sorry to hear that

How about in Polish?  What do you want first, the good news or the bad?

Let's start with the bad news.  Someone has just told you that they are feeling unwell.

Przykro mi to s艂ysze膰 - I'm sorry to hear that

or just

Przykro mi - I'm sorry

With any luck, a few days later they will tell us that they are feeling much better.

Ciesz臋 si臋 - I'm glad

To super - That's super

To 艣wietnie - That's great

Ciesz臋 si臋, 偶e jest ci lepiej - I'm glad you are better

Ciesz臋 si臋, 偶e lepiej si臋 czujesz - I'm glad you are feeling better.


  1. do you know , first meaning of glad was "smooth" , so visible connection to "g艂adki"

    1. Oh now that is interesting. Yes, I see in the OED that it is related to Old High German: glat, Slavic: glad怒k怒 and Latin: glaber. Thank you.


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