To get your head down - Angielskie wyrażenie

„Get your head down” To wyrażenie może mieć kilka znaczeń, w zależności od kontekstu. Najprościej to ,,spuść głowę”. Może też oznaczać: Spać. Na przykład: - I'm tired, I'm going to get my head down for a while. Może też oznaczać: Pracować pilnie. Na przykład: - I am going to get my head down to some studying. Depending on context, this phrase can mean a few things. Most straightforwardly, it can be an instruction to lower your head. Perhaps to avoid being seen, shot at or to avoid your head coming into contact with a low object. It can mean to get some sleep. For example: It's been a long day, I'm going to get my head down and get some sleep. It can mean concentrating on work or to work diligently. For example: After lunch today I am going to get my head down to a bit of study. Stop messing about and get your head down. The image created of lowering your head to concentrate on the task at hand, brings us to an...