
Showing posts from June, 2023

it's a waste of time - to jest strata czasu

 to jest strata czasu it is a waste of time to jest - it is strata - loss czas = time, czasu is the genitive form, so = of time

and besides... - a poza tym...

 a poza tym ... and besides ... literally: beyond / outside this poza (+instrumental) = beyond / except tym is the instrumental form of ten =  this

pozostały / drugi / inny - other

 Although inny means other , it's not always the best word to use when we would say other .  Often, another, different would would be best.  In fact, inny is more like the words different and another . For example, if I have been talking about one daughter, then talk about the other daughter, I would use the word druga  for other and drugi if talking about sons, brothers etc. Drugi can mean: second / the other (of two) / the other (opposite) If I have been talking about one person of a group, like one of my children, then talk about the others, instead of using the plural of drugi (drudzy) I would use pozostałe (the non virile plural form of pozostały) effectively saying the remaining / rest of the children - pozostałe dzieci .