Nail Polish

I'm starting this blog as a place to keep notes along my journey with the Polish language. It's really just for me in a bid to help me nail Polish. If it eventually helps or interests others, then that would be splendid. I would welcome helpful comments and thoughts if I have misunderstood anything. This is not a learning course for beginners. I am learning Polish and making notes along the way as I learn things, so it is quite literally as I understand it. If you want to learn Polish, find a patient and helpful Polish friend, use an app like Duolingo , follow bloggers and teachers like the ones listed below, buy a book like Polish for Dummies, watch Polish films and TV, listen to Polish music, and make lots of notes to enable you to get your head around the grammar of this heavily inflected language. Best of luck! Update: Links to more places and people who have taught me a great deal: Polish teacher, Aleksandra, Being Ponglish website and on I...