
Showing posts from February, 2022

News Report in Polish - Accusation of shelling in Ukraine

 An exercise in interpretation of a news story Przedstawiciele tzw. Ługańskiej Republiki Ludowej oskarżyli siły ukraińskie o ostrzelanie ich pozycji ogniem moździerzowym, granatnikami i z broni automatycznej – taką informację podają rosyjskie media, takie jak RIA Novosti i Sputnik. Ukraińskie władze zdecydowanie zaprzeczyły oskarżeniom. Biały Dom zaznaczał wcześniej, że Rosja może w każdej chwili powołać się na fałszywy pretekst, by wznowić inwazję przeciwko Ukrainie.  Representatives of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic , accused Ukrainian forces of shelling their position with mortar fire, grenade launchers and automatic weapons, according to Russian media such as RIA Novosti and Sputnik. Ukrainian authorities strongly denied the accusations. The White House has previously indicated that Russia could at any time invoke a false excuse to renew the invasion against Ukraine.  Vocabulary Translated przedstawiciele representatives tzw. abreviation of tak z...

To get a cob on - co to znaczy?

To get a cob on ... what does it mean and where did the expression come from? Po prostu, -  get a cob on -  to znaczy wpadać w złość / być w złym humorze. Most English people will be familiar with this expression, to get a cob on is to be annoyed, to be in a bad mood. The word cob is an old word to describe something rounded or globular, a lump of something.  This explains the use of cob in the expression I'm sweating cobs which means the beads of sweat are large. Cobble stones on old roads owe their name to this meaning too. Cob also describes the cylindrical shoot on which grains of maize / corn grow, hence: corn on the cob. How about the origin of the expression to get a cob on ?  Well, I guess there will be plenty of theories, but the official line from the Oxford English Dictionary is that the origin is unknown.  It has been seen in print as early as 1937, in E. Partridge's Dictionary of Slang .